13. Style options

You can tune the output of Relogix to meet your own C style preferences or for consistency with your in-house coding standards, as follows:

Naming options

You can specify whether a prefix is used to indicate the scope of a variable (global, local, parameter), and/or to indicate the type (so-called 'Hungarian' notation). Where names are generated by Relogix automatically, you can specify the capitalization and whether an underscore is placed between the words which make up compound names.

Placing of new lines and spaces

You can specify whether you want blank lines after the declarations, and whether you want opening braces to be placed on the same line as an if (or other) keyword, or on the next line. You can also specify whether a closing curly brace before an else keyword is placed on its own line or on the same line as the else. Spaces may optionally be placed after a function call (before the parenthesis), or after all opening and closing parentheses.

Indenting and column positions

You can set the number of spaces used to indent statements, and also the column position for same-line comments. You can also specify whether the case labels of switch statements are indented.

That is the end of our quick tour of Relogix. We hope you found it interesting. If you would like to find out more about Relogix, you can download the full Relogix User's Manual which discusses the above topics in more detail. If you have specific questions, please contact us.