CF68KLib Technical Support

Please note that CF68KLib is an older tool which is no longer supported. See here for our current range.

Once you have downloaded CF68KLib, you can use our free 'get-you-started' limited technical support service by e-mailing us at  support @ . This gives you access to MicroAPL's technical experts who will answer basic questions on the product, to help you get started (this is limited to straightforward questions on CF68KLib itself, and does not cover issues which would require us to look at or understand your code). As this is a free-of-charge service, please be patient if we do not reply immediately; we have to give priority to customers who have taken out a support contract.

If you are embarking on a major 68K to ColdFire porting project, or need more detailed help, you can be assured of continuing high-quality technical support by purchasing an annual subscription to MicroAPL's commercial Support Service.

MicroAPL also offers consultancy services in code porting and related areas.